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Plan your integration setup

All you need to know before integrating to Viio

Written by Marta Droneva
Updated over 4 months ago

Viio supports a wide number of integrations, all build utilising the authentication methods provided by the individual solution.

When integrating to e.g. E-conomics, you will need to use an account which have been assigned the needed access. As such, the account you have created to access Viio (your own email most likely) and the account used to integrate does not need to be the same - actually, most likely it's not.

In order to better control which tools have been provided access to eg. your finance solution, you can set up service accounts to handle this type of integration. The benefit being that no employee is connected directly to authentication, meaning that when employees leave your organisation, the integration will not be affected as this is not managed by employee accounts directly.

Before setting up integrations within Viio, you may consider creating service accounts with the needed access rights. Having access managed in service accounts allows you to gain full control over any access you provide, not just to Viio.


When setting up integration to E-conomics, you will need to log in with a specific account in E-conomics. By clicking on "Change user", you can select the user (account) you have decided to use for this integration.

When integrating to Microsoft 365, you may find that you are not prompted with a selection. This is due to a setting on your account in Microsoft, re-using your log-in across all Microsoft authentications.

To select a specific account for integration to Microsoft, you need to log out from e.g. your Microsoft Online activities. Once logged out, you will be able to select a different account.

For integrations to your bank, Viio use AiiA as integration solution. Aiia is a product of Nordic API Gateway, and is a single API giving unified access to accounts and transactions from european banks and other account providers. Depending on which bank you want to integrate, the setup varies.

For more details on the supported integrations please take a look here.

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