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Off-boarding - how it's done

Off-boarding of employees in Viio is a simple ways to ensure that all licenses are removed when employees have left.

Written by Marta Droneva
Updated over a week ago

The off-boarding workflow in Viio is a simple step by step approach:

  1. Find the employee

  2. Initiate off-boarding

  3. Validate list of tasks

  4. Start each task (bulk or individually)

Find the employee

Either thru a simple search or from the organisations overview:

Click on either Suspended or deleted employees to get a list of employees you would like to off-board.

Start workflow

On the employee page, you will find the todo's box - where off-boarding can be started:

Dont worry - clicking on it will not trigger anything just yet. It will simply set up all the tasks needed for you to approve or if needed delegate to relevant person in your organisation.

Pending workflows

Once you have started the workflow it will appear in the pending workflows list:

Here you can easily see which workflows you need to attend to.

Digging in to a specific workflow will show you the tasks included - and for the off-boarding workflow you will see a task to remove license for each application where Viio have seen usage for the given employee.

Where you have set up integrations, it's quite straight forward. Starting the task will remove the license immediately. Where there is no integration in place, Viio will send a mail to either the application owner or the fallback owner as specified on the settings


As mentioned above, tasks can either be fully automated or involve owners to help remove licenses.

As admin you can

  • Initiates the task,

  • Change owner of task it self

  • Send reminder set task to done or

  • Remove task.

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